
Construction Health and Safety

Parallel Consultancy provide experienced Health and Safety risk management of commercial properties in order to produce documentation identifying any health and safety risks. The overall objective of our inspection is to identify where there is a risk to health, safety and welfare.

CDM and Health and Safety

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM2015) came into force in 2015, with the key aim to integrate health and safety into the management of a project and to encourage everyone involved to work together.

HSE must be notified of projects where construction work is expected to:

Last more than 30 working days and have more than 20 people working simultaneously at any point in the project or Involve more than 500 person-days, for example, 50 people working for over 10 days

The common risks we assess and report on in a Health and Safety Audit include:

Risk to members of the public and trespassers entering the property and being injured or causing malicious damage Risk of injury or death from vehicle movements
Risk due to fires from malicious damage or accident Risks of injury or death due to poor maintenance or inadequate housekeeping

Parallel Consultancy – Health and Safety

We act as Principal Designer under CDM regulation to plan, monitor and manage Health and Safety for the duration of your project.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you

E: [email protected]
T: 0207 127 6834

Looking for a Building Surveyor?

Parallel Consultancy are a CIOB regulated company offering the highest standard of professionalism in all property related matters

0207 127 6834

Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm

[email protected]

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Checking Everything From The Ground Up

Checking everything from the ground up
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